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  1. Clueless gamblers or indentured addicts caught in a freefalling spiral towards desperation and hopelessness to recover a withdrawable win in an ocean of losses. This place is a sham and it isn't about probabilities or certainties its about stringing people along so they will empty their wallets to a system of games that foster an entire socioeconomic depression. It was one thing to deposit money and get it back slowly with the wagers but I will be damned if I'm going to deposit money so I can spend $4000 dollars to eventually unluck the reward for depositing and get $10 dollars in return. That is a joke and that is right there the very reason why I am done giving anymore of my hard earned money to this place when every day I am instantly confronted with the blatant mockery of what this place considers luck, or chance, or win or value with your daily luckyspin. Cant tell me that it just happens to fall on the same prize each and every day is a coincidence. When has anyone won a bitcoin from luckyspin or now iwith the update 3 bitcoins? Got tired of giving out 10000 JB everyday why not give out .02 cents of locked bcd to what exactly? You think getting a penny that will take 4,000 dollars to get out is enticing? It's not. And its offensive. Dont worry ill still be here everyday getting my 24 cent hourly recharge after wagering 18,000 last week until that too becomes evidently useless as well against the calculated probability that too will only spawn a complete loss. I get it though its all about self control, financial discipline and handling your shit responsibly. So i'll bring all that to my table. When will you though? I agree with everything dude said above. Might add one more thing though. See in this reality the universe (wonderful place, you should visit is abound with ever abundant love and in that love is karma. I know my universe loves me because i love it right back. You'll get your greed's karma back threefold. You'll get your karma back threefold, You'll get your karma back threefold. From the minute penny shavings to the paradise paper sized tax evasions. Hekate gonna love the shit out you and bless you with the Erinyes to enter every faction of your lives. Read it so you live it. From words to truth. See your chances with karma. Know the most probable hell. Win every financial ruin. Destitution your only prize.
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