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Introducing BC GAME 3.0 - Giveaway 5$ Shitlink to 10 Users


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I've been in this casino for a year and a half, and everything has improved with the stage, but v3.0 is generally super, everything is for us, a lot of useful features and I'm very happy,

Thanks to the developers and administrators ❤❤❤


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I love the update and the sports betting! Very cool how you BLUMBOOOOOS AT BC LOVE UR WAGING DUMDUM COCO CUCKING CUSTOMERS! 

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Ok, so here is my take.


BCD unlock is useful considering I have a high amount already to unlock. Collecting this in blocks rather than pennies is welcome in my opinion.


What I dislike is the fact the rain has been given to players at 0 level. On one rain drop, I seen 5 out of 10 players at level 0. I personally feel that there needs to be a min requirement or you will end up with an army of accounts just farming.

Other than that, I hope the next update involves some game updates. Like lightning features on keno and advanced user controls on other games such as dice / limbo.

On another note, some measures to set deposit limits and account time outs. Protect your players to keep them, I have heard of some unpleasant things which people have gone through or done due to gambling addiction. 


Peace out!



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I'm loving everything that has been added, so far. I have found one issue, atleast on mobile, there is no way to quickly access your bet slip. I feel as tho we should be able to pull it up real quick without leaving the current page we are on. Overall amazing work tho!

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New upgrade looks great. Thank you BC

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love everything about upgrade and think that the new wheel options are exciting also I appreciate the fact you guys take time to critic everything to please us all 


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1. This I absolutely hate. I already believe that the rate at which we unlock BCD is borderline insulting. But now i have to wager around 5k before I even get to use any of it. Its ridiculous to have an extra restriction on a "bonus" that literally has 400-500x playthrough requirement and now it has to be met BEFORE it can be used.

2. Love the wheel update, LONG overdue.... However I would like more transparency with the wheel. I noticed that the same 30-user or so are all that cycle through on the wheel winners list. I even went as far as to find a couple of the people who it claimed had landed on something other the locked bcd. The few i managed to track down and get to talk to me said they had not landed on the prizes that the winners list claimed that they had.... Interesting stuff

3. I do like the rain  but I whole heartedly believe something should be done about this non stop Coin drop issue and the auto-grab. This has gone on long enough BC's lack of attention to this for as long as its been happening has got me thinking that the bots may not be a foreign entity. Its the only logical reason why there hasn't been a stop put to this.

4. Yea thanks

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Much better 

~🙃"Humility is the 🧑‍🌾 seed for Humanity"~👥 ₩.§.³³👣

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excellent update especially the inclusion of sports bets. I think it is very good and the condition of the bcd unlock. congratulations is a great job!!

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  On 3/20/2022 at 3:03 AM, BCGame_POP said:

3.0 has got some cool new features, however, the main purpose of this upgrade was SportBook. The introduction of sportsbook is a big move on the whole platform for our users.


We will discuss more about Sports in our upcoming discussions and events on the forum. Apart from sportsbook, we took this opportunity to upgrade a few of our core features of the platform like;

1. BCD Dashboard Upgrade:
Now you have to accumulate 10$ before you unlock BCD, this way, it's clear how much you are unlocking each time and also play with sizable balance once it's unlocked.

2. Lucky Wheel Spin:
We pushed some major upgrades on the wheel where you get rewarded real coins instead of JB. Depending on the user LEVEL, the wheel has got different rewards.

3. RAIN Upgrade: 
Now system rains will have 2 additions ‘Rare-win Rain’ and ‘Crash Rain’ for more rewards. 
When a player's profit in a single game exceeds 6,000 US dollars, the system will generate a rain for 10 lucky players! The rain currency is BCD, and the amount of BCD is 1% of the game profit. e.g. if someone gets $7,000 profit, the rain amount will be 70 BCD. The amount of rain is capped at $100 (equivalent to a rain range of 60-100)

Crash rain - When the Crash result goes to 100x or more, the system will generate rains to celebrate! 20 BCD will be distributed to 10 lucky players!

Leave your feedback on this thread. We will randomly pick 10 people who commented on this thread and drop 5$ shitlink to each after the countdown timer stops.

NOTE: Make sure you have 2FA enabled, or else you will be disqualified.



Im busted...make my week better with 6 bucks..lol. 

Appreciate  all the upgrades, and functions.

~🙃"Humility is the 🧑‍🌾 seed for Humanity"~👥 ₩.§.³³👣

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  On 3/20/2022 at 3:03 AM, BCGame_POP said:

3.0 has got some cool new features, however, the main purpose of this upgrade was SportBook. The introduction of sportsbook is a big move on the whole platform for our users.


We will discuss more about Sports in our upcoming discussions and events on the forum. Apart from sportsbook, we took this opportunity to upgrade a few of our core features of the platform like;

1. BCD Dashboard Upgrade:
Now you have to accumulate 10$ before you unlock BCD, this way, it's clear how much you are unlocking each time and also play with sizable balance once it's unlocked.

2. Lucky Wheel Spin:
We pushed some major upgrades on the wheel where you get rewarded real coins instead of JB. Depending on the user LEVEL, the wheel has got different rewards.

3. RAIN Upgrade: 
Now system rains will have 2 additions ‘Rare-win Rain’ and ‘Crash Rain’ for more rewards. 
When a player's profit in a single game exceeds 6,000 US dollars, the system will generate a rain for 10 lucky players! The rain currency is BCD, and the amount of BCD is 1% of the game profit. e.g. if someone gets $7,000 profit, the rain amount will be 70 BCD. The amount of rain is capped at $100 (equivalent to a rain range of 60-100)

Crash rain - When the Crash result goes to 100x or more, the system will generate rains to celebrate! 20 BCD will be distributed to 10 lucky players!

Leave your feedback on this thread. We will randomly pick 10 people who commented on this thread and drop 5$ shitlink to each after the countdown timer stops.

NOTE: Make sure you have 2FA enabled, or else you will be disqualified.

I think that update its better, the best of update in my opinion is lucky wheel, better pricez and bigger chance to get something other crypto no only jb

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The updated wheel looks great but it seems a little unfair to offer BCD prizes that are LOCKED which makes many feel like there not really winning anything at all. 

My suggestion is replacing one of the locked BCD prizes with “Unlocks $X BCD” to level the playing field for the majority of people who already have tons of locked BCD. 


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great update, everything is very good!!!

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  On 3/20/2022 at 3:17 PM, W0NGA said:

Bien, aquí está mi opinión.


El desbloqueo de BCD es útil considerando que ya tengo una gran cantidad para desbloquear. En mi opinión, recoger esto en bloques en lugar de centavos es bienvenido.


Lo que no me gusta es el hecho de que la lluvia se le ha dado a los jugadores en el nivel 0. En una gota de lluvia, vi a 5 de cada 10 jugadores en el nivel 0. Personalmente, creo que debe haber un requisito mínimo o terminarás con un ejército de cuentas solo cultivando.

Aparte de eso, espero que la próxima actualización incluya algunas actualizaciones del juego. Como funciones de rayos en keno y controles de usuario avanzados en otros juegos como dados / limbo.

En otra nota, algunas medidas para establecer límites de depósito y tiempos de espera de cuenta. Proteja a sus jugadores para conservarlos. He oído hablar de algunas cosas desagradables por las que han pasado o hecho personas debido a la adicción al juego. 






I would like advanced mode in dice, so that they do not use externalities

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Команда Вc Game  не стоит на месте,  проделывает огромную  работу в плане распространения игровых тем, теперь добавлены спортивные игры + с каждым расширением каждый приходящий игрок может найти то что ему по вкусу огромнейший выбор:на вкус и цвет. Молодцы желаю и дальше двигатся и расширятся. 

 Хочу добавить от себя если бы вы рассмотрели то чего очень не хватает например:проведение акций-конкурсов связанных с головоломками, решение задач как в одиночных режимах, так и командными. (Призы разные шиткоды в зависимости от сложности задачи) поиск щит кодов. 

И ещё одна прозьба Любой игрок сталкивается с тем , что при выигрыше на эмоциях и радости продолжает делать ставки в уверенности, что ему повезёт снова  и в конце концов он проигрывает всё то, что выиграл. Предлагаю создать в аккаунте пользователя кнопку SOS  игрок, который может отправить запрос на блокировку той части монет, которую он хочет. :положить чтобы не проиграть все.функция кнопки сохранения $ пока игрок не остынет от адриналина,в срок хранения от2часов до 48часов .при вкладе $ игрок оплачивает ℅ за хранение например я положила 3000$на 12часов я сразу оплачиваю 5℅ и через 12 часов я могу пользоватся воими средствами, также сделать возможность досрочной разморозке $ если я решила разморозить раньше свои$ то взымается например 15℅ от суммы,и ℅оплаченый до хранения не пересчитывается и не возвращается.В конце концов на выходе, что мы имеем у игрока, возможность остается в игре быть и играть постоянно, так же и БК гейм появляется дополнительные возможности для расширения игорного поля.Я так сильно в подробностях не давалась. Может быть  Коко обратит свой взгляд и отблагодарит подарком. Спасибо всём добра. 

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Love thé new wheel system. 

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